Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Open A Doritos Dip

Campaign 2011

The Democratic Party is the party of civic levied Italy: legality, honesty, rules, loyalty to constitutional principles. A sense of citizenship that allows you to grow and live better. In recent years we have witnessed the reverse of the values, double standards and disregard for the common life. We pledge to remove all laws that fostered corruption and cliques. We want to promote opportunities for everyone, young and old, men and women, to have a decent work that will lead to a life project, a dream. We want to revive the economy, create new development opportunities, invest heavily in research and in school and give back to the culture the role it deserves. Take up the historical and artistic heritage and environment of Italy, is unique in the world but in fact totally ignored by the government. We want to reduce the costs of politics, halving the number of parliamentarians, lower taxes for businesses and employees. It 'absolutely important that we devote all possible attention to environmental protection, water as a public good and waste reduction. We must play our bells, keep a job is not easy, time and sacrifices, but also exciting and decisive. All together, with intelligence, conviction, enthusiasm and passion prepare better days.

A room we want to promote these values, continue to ensure a high level of personal services, driving a development sensitive to environmental features, a country with a vocation to be supportive, continuing the tradition Sales history, culture and quality of life.

On 12 February in Piazza Gramsci
from 9.00 to 13.00
or at the premises of Via Garibaldi
Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday morning and Thursday afternoon

Join the day of membership, subscribe or renew your card.
Support the Democratic Party, support the club's Hall of PD.


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