Sunday, October 11, 2009

Polycystic Fibrosis Ovaries

By convention the primaries

full room and lots of applause for the actions of the three candidates secretary of the PD (and some chorus), the messages of Giorgio Napolitano, Romano Prodi, Walter Veltroni el ' election of the Commission Regulations and Code of Ethics . Were the ingredients of the first National Convention of the Democratic Party.
One after another, according to the votes obtained by their motion, intervened Pierluigi Bersani , Dario Franceschini, Ignazio Marino.
So far the comparison between the three was only at a distance, but now the challenge comes alive. The goal is Oct. 25 to win the primaries.

Bersani's intervention (summary).

's intervention Franceschini (Summary) .

The intervention of Ignazio Marino (Summary)


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